We match businesses with a nonprofit organization whose mission and/or base correlates with their target audience(s), and then we help each partnership plan and promote their event(s.)
Each businesses’ main responsibility is to put their best foot forward as a brand and a host - make the best impression possible - and bounce the event guests, volunteers and participants back again for future sales.
Events are hosted at the businesses’ location – often on weekday nights when overall traffic may be slower. Event partnerships are specifically designed so that the nonprofit organization and the host business can share internal resources and collaborate on promotional efforts to drive traffic and revenue.
Events are also designed such that both parties share in the admission revenues (to ensure donations and to help mitigate minimum donation costs of food, beverage and labor.)
The host business retains all additional revenues for the duration of the event. The business will also retain all contact information collected from the event guests.
Depending on the genre, size and goals of a prospective nonprofit partner organization, viable business types to host cause marketing events include restaurants, bars, hotels, spas, salons, shopping malls, gold courses, and more. Other businesses that may be able to accommodate events and catering – such as luxury car dealerships, museums, cooking schools, and art galleries – are also of interest to some nonprofits.
Additional CMP benefits to businesses include:
- Exposure to proprietary resources of dozens of local and national nonprofits
- Assessment and recommendations regarding all marketing platforms
- Creation of a "playbook" for future event and promotional efforts
- Collection of new customer contact information for future event and promotional efforts
CMP helps plan and expedite cause marketing events so businesses can continue focusing on other existing, time-sensitive priorities.
We would enjoy the opportunity to talk with you about how CMP can increase traffic and revenues for your business while expanding good will for your brand. Please e-mail me at marc@causemp.com to discuss how we can help.
Marc Portugal
Cause Marketing Partners